Friday, August 30, 2013

Ed Milliband; Weak, Wishy-Washy and A Totally Egocentric Cynic.

I'm not unhappy at the delay in our taking direct action against Syria ,because that's all it will be. Nothing convinces me that it would serve a purpose at the moment but the time will come.

The content of David Cameron's speech was what I wanted to hear and it was delivered with earnestness and conviction by a man showing true leadership qualities. We need such people However, but let's put the blame for our non-intervention squarely where it lies.

The increasingly lame Mr Milliband is looking to make political capital at the expense of our moral responsibilities and Syrian lives. He is trying to cowardly distance himself from the war criminal Tony B Liar who, unlike Cameron, blatantly lied to Parliament and took us into an illegal war.

Mr Milliband obviously has no moral compass or conscience. He is purely a Marxist, Union operated puppet, out for the main chance to try and rescue the shambles of his failed leadership of the Labour Party and his political career. What a cynic.

He is quoted in the papers today saying that he “urges the Government not to "wash its hands" of Syria”. This despite urging MPs to vote against the principle of military intervention. Even some of the Right Wing press appear to give him tacit support but then again the gentlemen of the fourth estate were ever fickle and easily swayed.

There is no doubt his tactic of first agreeing to support the Government and then turning his coat at the last minute worked, but it is the worst example of a cynical manipulation of Parliament and the most desperate pandering to public option in a last ditch attempt to try and achieve some public sympathy since Alistair Campbell ceased his unlawful and unholy machinations.

This unprincipled weak, wishy-washy and totally egocentric cynic must never be allowed to be Prime Minister, Remember he and Ed Balls were as much the architects of our recent disastrous economic plight as Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. I winder who was pushing his buttons back then; Len McCluskey perhaps?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Heard The One About The Four Scotsmen Who Are Going To Be A Couple Of Minutes Late?

Question: Why does BBC 2 always begin its traffic reports in Scotland and work south? As an example they will inevitably begin by reporting a lane closure on the A9 north of Pitlochry. Given the population density in those parts, even at the height of the tourist season, this probably means that three or four Jocks are going to experience a maximum of a five or, at most, a ten minute delay.

Meanwhile, on the M25 the Commissariat Militia (otherwise known as the Highways Agency Traffic Officer Service or “Traffic Wombles”) have closed three out of four lanes, causing ten to fifteen mile tailbacks and hours of delay to thousands of motorist’s journeys. All this because someone (now safely parked on the hard shoulder) has blown a tyre and left a small piece of tread on the inside lane.

Apparently they have to shut down so many lanes to maintain the safety of their officers; who are either policemen who have retired early on full pensions because they have a bad back, and are now raking in another publicly funded salary and amassing a second Civil Service pension, or wannabes who couldn’t get into the police force in the first place but now have a uniform and who think they have God like powers to lord it like Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring.

The BBC however will make the huge majority of people who may be affected by this wait three of four minutes while they bang on about Berwick, Ballymena and Barnard Castle.

Can’t they begin their reports with the major hold-ups which are affecting the vast majority or is this another example of tipping our hats to the multicultural minorities?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Looney Lib Dems have finally lost it

Okay – it’s now official. The Looney Lib Dems have finally lost it. Power seems to have gone to the Liberals’ heads. They plan to win the next general election by clobbering the rich rather than making the country wealthy.

In a policy drawn up by the party’s “Tax Working Group” high earners would face a huge rise in their capital gains tax bills.They propose a cut in the tax-free capital gains allowance from £10,900 to just £2,000.

In addition the manifesto policies drawn up by party’s Federal Policy Committee includes limiting tax relief on pension contributions and cutting the size of pension pots to £1m (equivalent to about £20,000 a year for a 65 year-old married man). The Lib Dem leadership is also inviting grassroots activists to vote on the return of the controversial 50p income tax rate which was recently scrapped by the coalition; Inheritance tax will be tightened and non-dom taxpayers hit harder and the mansion tax is still coming too.

The Liberal Democrats call that “creative and progressive”.  That’s a very liberal use of the word ‘creative’. They describe it as fairer taxation that will encourage employment and economic growth. It is in fact the opposite.

Will you be one of the turkeys voting for these bearded sandal wearing weirdo’s Christmas at the next election then, or will you be going for the Punch & Judy knockabout, end of the pier UKIP show? You could of course decide to give the economy back to Ed. Ed, Yvette and Len McCluskey. I know who I’ll be supporting.