Thursday, October 28, 2010

Advice For Those Who Face A Benefit Cut – Get A Job!

The ousted and disgraced Soviet committee that was our last government are, under command from their Trotskyist Union masters, leading a lament worthy of a classical Greek chorus, about the coalition’s necessary benefit cuts. As a counterpoint to the drone of the chorus are a procession of pathetic tattered waifs strays paraded like the Victorian poor by the leftie BBC, whining that they may have to leave their house (which few of us honest working folk could afford) or, God forbid, actually have to tighten their belts in this time of national austerity.

One of the arguments for maintaining this army of paid for by the state Labour voters, has been that by getting a job they would be losing their hand-outs and so be worse off. Well poor them! Hopefully now that their benefit has been cut they will find that they will now be better off working. Making the benefit side of the scale lighter should tip it in favour of actually working for the money rather than just being handed it as a prize for indolence.

Why too do we reward profligate and irresponsible fecundity? Want an all-expenses paid place to live? Easy – get pregnant. Want a bigger place in a better part of town? Just have more kids. Have you spotted what’s wrong with this argument yet? Thankfully the coalition has and has begun addressing it. And while we are talking about housing why has no one mentioned that one of the biggest flaws in housing benefit policy has been to let private landlords charge unchecked rents to benefit claimants?

I’m sure that much of the housing boom was fuelled by people buying “Buy-To-Let” properties which were paid for by the government doling out inflated rents through housing benefit. This misguided policy by our former Soviet masters has also meant that those looking for rented accommodation in the private sector have been priced out of the market. It also means that property prices have been artificially inflated keeping first time buyers off the property ladder. We rightly decry the Edwardian slum landlord and the Victorian mill owner who kept their workers in run down back-to-back hovels but let Teflon Tony and Bully Baron Brown fund a similar culture with public money the country could not afford.

Benefit reform is long overdue and, as a country, we must get back to living within our means. The problem is that because the last government blew all the money on their misguided attempts at social engineering our means are much more straightened that they used to be. Of course if you have a job, and I mean a real job not just a “make-work” local authority skive, benefit cuts are not a problem to be feared but a solution to be welcomed.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Paxman and top BBC journalists warn against strike during Tory conference | Media |

Paxman and top BBC journalists warn against strike during Tory conference | Media |

And so it begins….

As I pointed out yesterday the left wing, Marxist unions appear to be hell bent on damaging our democratically elected government and ultimately bringing it down.

Amazingly they expect us to naively believe that the targeting of the Conservative Party Conference and the Prime Minister’s and Chancellor’s speeches are merely coincidence and indeed it’s the Conservative own fault because of their so called “Anti-strike” legislation.

My own view is that this is a blatant attempt to extend the abhorrent media manipulation of the likes of Alistair Campbell or Peter Mandelson  by an act which is purely politically motivated. Well done the voice of reason and well done responsible journalists who are not against strike action but who appear to be against having a strike used as a crude political, propaganda bludgeon.

Watch out, there’s more to come, mark my words…..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

BBC News - 'We've got our party back,' says Lord Kinnock

BBC News - 'We've got our party back,' says Lord Kinnock

The interesting thing about this quote is that it is not from Neil Kinnock but from an un-named union delegate who Lord Kinnock reported “leaned over and said 'Neil, we've got our party back'”. Lord Kinnock said that he “thought that was so accurate as an instantaneous response to the leader's speech”.

Is it only me who sees this as truly ominous? It seems obvious to me that the “we” the delegate was referring to was not the rank and file Labour party members but the unions. These unions now feel that they are back in charge and they will, in short order, be calling in their markers to dictate Ed Miliband’s policy.

The trade unions, led by Charlie Whelan who proudly boasted that he had persuaded six MPs to switch second preference to Ed Miliband, appear determined to reproduce a “Winter of Discontent” over impending government cuts to public spending. I would argue that the unions are not fighting for people’s jobs or the maintenance of public services, their aim is to usurp the democratic process as they challenge the election result. In my view their aim is to return us to a centralist Marxist state where they, along with the Labour party will urge us to “Stay In Doors”, “Listen to The Government Broadcasts” and “Continue To Obey All The Rules”.

Under the last Labour government the unions were content to grow fat sucking off the body politic and public like bloated parasites. Now their endless free food supply is in danger of drying up they want us all to keep paying for them by preserving unnecessary public sector jobs with money we don’t have and have to borrow. I think these bloated union bosses are as bad as bankers.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Vote For The Policy Not The Personality

I had quite an interesting discussion with a mate of mine in the pub last night. We were, as is inevitable at the moment I suppose, discussing the upcoming election and my friend put forward the view that while he could not, under any possible circumstances, vote for Gordon Brown he didn’t feel that any of the other leaders were worth voting for either.

This got me thinking. After thirteen years of Central Soviet style governance we have all been brainwashed to the acceptance of the myth of the presidential cult of the uber-ego personality. The problem is that the late and unlamented former Prime Minister, Tony B. Liar as I prefer to think of him, ruled alone, imposing his will on his party, the Cabinet and the poor old lobby fodder of mindless drone MPs who were whipped to do his will. This arrogant narcissist was unfortunately succeeded by another brutal dictator who has bullied the whole parliamentary system, the Civil Service and the country into accepting his word, thought and deed as not only law, but almost as some sort of divine and absolute truth.

We have I think been bludgeoned to the point where we now find it difficult to remember Cabinet Government where decisions and policies were reached by consensus. I am therefore of the opinion that we should stop choosing our government in a leadership “Beauty Contest” and go back to voting for a party whose policies we agree with. It should not really matter who is the leader of a party is as their job, as a “First Amongst Equals”, is really only to be a figurehead or mouthpiece.

Unfortunately with Comrade Brown this is not possible as his Stalinist tendencies mean that voting for him means that we will get exactly that, i.e. him, him, and nothing but him. Let’s hope however that with the Conservative and perhaps the Lib Dems this time aroundwe will be able to move back to policy instead of personality in government?