Paxman and top BBC journalists warn against strike during Tory conference | Media |
And so it begins….
As I pointed out yesterday the left wing, Marxist unions appear to be hell bent on damaging our democratically elected government and ultimately bringing it down.
Amazingly they expect us to naively believe that the targeting of the Conservative Party Conference and the Prime Minister’s and Chancellor’s speeches are merely coincidence and indeed it’s the Conservative own fault because of their so called “Anti-strike” legislation.
My own view is that this is a blatant attempt to extend the abhorrent media manipulation of the likes of Alistair Campbell or Peter Mandelson by an act which is purely politically motivated. Well done the voice of reason and well done responsible journalists who are not against strike action but who appear to be against having a strike used as a crude political, propaganda bludgeon.
Watch out, there’s more to come, mark my words…..