Wednesday, October 28, 2015

BBC Beats The Band For Pro Brussels Bias

Just watched the BBC Newsnight item on the Brexit debate. It is patently obvious that Auntie has decided we must stay in the EU and so only arguments that support that view will be given credence.

They spoke of the deal Norway, Switzerland and Iceland had with the EU and were at pains to say how terrible they were. What they failed to mention was that these are comparatively tiny economies with no clout to negotiate terms. If all three of those countries stopped trading with Europe tomorrow they wouldn't even notice.

We are the fifth largest economy in the world. Our financial services are probably the second or third largest. The EU cannot afford for us to cease trading with them so when it comes to a negotiation we are not Norway, Switzerland or Iceland. We will be able to work out a deal that is not like anyone else s. Don't let Auntie fool you; this is not a case of letting go of nurse for fear of finding something worse this is about leaving a dysfunctional family so that we can have a proper grown up relationship not only with Europe but also with the rest of the world.

Forget the socialist party line, we don't need "ever closer union", we don't need "freedom of movement"' we need ever closer ties with global trade and the freedom to move our goods and services with the EU and the the likes of China, the BRICK nations and everybody else without the sheet anchor of an un-elected bloated Brussels bureaucracy. VOTE LEAVE.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Angela Merkel’s Gaffe is Set to Ruin Europe and Continue to Distress Migrants

I believe that Angela Merkel has a lot to answer for with regard to her open offer of settlement, the promotion of "the free movement of people" and open borders. Did she not realise it would be like opening a grocery shop that gave out free food; you'd never be short of customers and many of them wouldn't be there because of need, they'd be there because it was free (see "food banks").

Most of this swarm (word chosen deliberately as it describes a host of individuals intent on improving their own lot without thought care for the inevitable deviation caused) are not fleeing from war or terror, they are moving toward what they perceive to be a promised land flowing with milk and honey (and I'm sure they won't appreciate the Jewish/Christian scriptural reference, but I don't care).

I have heard it said that some people think that most of the migrants flooding out of Africa and Afghanistan are terrorists.  Personally I don't think that "most" are terrorists, but EU figures seem to show that only one in four are Syrians. I would guess that even of that number the bulk are economic migrants rather than destitute downtrodden refugees in the true definition of the term.

The crisis, which Angela Merkel has single-handedly done so much to exacerbate again shows the stupidity of the socialist dream of a federalised, centralised "United States of Europe". The thinking that one policy fits all, be it monetary, diplomatic, asylum seekers or even Health and Safety is patently ludicrous and unworkable. When will she realise that prosperity only lies in a the free movement of commodities, goods, and services across boarders (i.e. a Common Market) and not "Ever Closer (political and monetary) Union?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Miliband Minor Now Tries To Buy The Keys To No:10 With Our Money

Ed Miliband has pledged that LABOUR will introduce a new Home Rule Bill for Scotland within 100 days of being voted into office. He said his party had “delivered the vow” on more devolution, with draft clauses of legislation published last week, ready to be implemented by the new government. Miliband minor has said: “Just as in 1997, devolution will be one of the first things on our agenda for the next Labour Government.” What this really means in practice is that Scotland will get even more subsidy from the rest of the UK only to squander it on an unsustainable so called Socialist utopia.

Now that it looks like the labour Party's bid to weaponise the NHS is failing and people have wised up to the fact that their Mansion Tax will hit the hard working and the aspirational rather than Mephistopheles Mandelson's oligarch pals, they have to woo the Scottish Nationalists at any price. It has also been reported that they are even desperate enough to court the political arm of the IRA, Sinn Fein to join their unholy cabal (See Here). The only good news about the Sinn Fein overtures are that at this stage there doesn't appear to be a fixed monetary price on the sacrifice of scruples but in the murky world of coalition politics no one does anything for nothing .

What is the price we will all have to pay if Labour does get into government on the back of a Scottish Nationalist deal? I have already pointed in previous blogs to the parlous state of the French economy due to their experiment into Socialist anti-austerity economics (See Here) but, actually I could just as well point you to Scotland, which is just as bad as France gets away with its wanton profligacy because of the Barnet Formula and the other trinkets they have pickpocketed from the Westminster purse. Another example perniciously not working in our own back yard is Wales which represents, albeit in miniature, a Labour government without subsidy. If you think the NHS is safe in Labour's hands look at what they have done here. I shudder to even begin to imagine what the rest of the United Kingdom will be like if Red Ed and Balls (by name and nature) have to pay the ransom the SNP will demand for allowing them titular power. Instead of the usual Tax and Spend, Boom and Bust we'll all be subjected to Tax, Borrow and give it away to the Tartan Terrors. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Labour and the SNP - A Marriage Made In The Fires Of Perdition

The Conservatives are saying that a coalition between Labour and the SNP would mean "chaos for Britain" .

Actually it would only be chaos for England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Scotland would behave like Boarder Reavers and rape and pillage the economy, holding Red Ed's feet to the fire as the price of power 

Should this scenario come to pass (God forbid) Scotland would seek to fuel their delusional Socalist wet dream using sassanach money; living like a bloated parasite draining away our life's blood. Britain would no longer be part of the United Kingdom, we would be part of, and ruled by vengeful Scots (heaven help us).