They spoke of the deal Norway, Switzerland and Iceland had with the EU and were at pains to say how terrible they were. What they failed to mention was that these are comparatively tiny economies with no clout to negotiate terms. If all three of those countries stopped trading with Europe tomorrow they wouldn't even notice.
We are the fifth largest economy in the world. Our financial services are probably the second or third largest. The EU cannot afford for us to cease trading with them so when it comes to a negotiation we are not Norway, Switzerland or Iceland. We will be able to work out a deal that is not like anyone else s. Don't let Auntie fool you; this is not a case of letting go of nurse for fear of finding something worse this is about leaving a dysfunctional family so that we can have a proper grown up relationship not only with Europe but also with the rest of the world.
Forget the socialist party line, we don't need "ever closer union", we don't need "freedom of movement"' we need ever closer ties with global trade and the freedom to move our goods and services with the EU and the the likes of China, the BRICK nations and everybody else without the sheet anchor of an un-elected bloated Brussels bureaucracy. VOTE LEAVE.