Monday, July 14, 2008

Sod Your Bike - Mind My Car!!

Cyclists – when are these pathological parasites going to get off our roads and stop being what the medical fraternity call “A Thrombosis” (Definition: THROMBOSIS – a clot which blocks the whole of the bleeding system). How often have you had to crawl along in a stream of traffic because one or more of these lycra clad loonies are hogging more than their fair share of the carriageway?

At a time when the motorist is being taxed, fined and regulated beyond penury and perdition, these so called Eco-busting planet savers continue to clog up our highways and byways with their selfish egocentric meanderings. All of this without paying a penny for the roads, or even cycleways, they arrogantly commandeer, seemingly to the exclusion of everyone else. I wouldn’t mind so much if they were made to make a contribution to the provision and/or the upkeep of the infrastructure they seem to feel is theirs by right, however they continue to demand all the benefits of free access without bearing any of the costs. Not even the so called pedestrian footways are safe and they seem to have almost completed their invasion and domination of the canal towpaths.

Let’s face the truth here; cyclists make no contribution to the costs of providing them with any of the roads or paths they have selfishly usurped. They don’t pay any fuel duty like the rest of the road users, they have no licence to pay and, of course, they have no compulsory insurance cover. Remember, if one of these idiots damages your car or your property where is your recourse for damages or reparation?

In recent months we have had reported cases of cyclists killing pedestrians and causing road traffic accidents. In most cases I believe it was the cyclists themselves who were at fault by either blatantly disregarding the rules of the Highway Code, or blithely assuming their god like status and superhuman powers would grant them supreme deference from those other road users who have to pay for the privilege.

Let’s lobby to get this menace banned from our roads until they are forced into obeying the rules like the rest of us and, more importantly, are made to pay for their privilege of sharing the roads with us.


Kirst said...

Gosh, you're quite angry, aren't you? And very, very ill-informed.

Cyclists pay for the roads - and cycle paths - via income tax and council tax, just like everyone else. Some of them even have cars, on which they pay VED. And as bikes cause so little wear and tear on the roads, you could argue that actually cyclists are paying far more than their fair share of road costs.

They don't pay fuel duty because bikes don't need fuel, other than food for the rider. They don't pay VED because bikes are zero-rated, same as some of those "green" cars. Are you going to argue that "green" cars should be banned from the roads because they're zero-rated too?

You don't seem to realise that actually, cyclists are on the road as of right, as are pedestrians and horse-riders. Motorists are on the roads as of privilege - a privilege which depends on having a valid licence, and being appropriately taxed and insured. Roads were actually built to facilitate easier cycling, long before the nation became obsessed with cars.

As for your remarks about accidents - do you know how many pedestrians have been killed in collisions with cyclists in recent years? Less than 10, and there's nothing to say the cyclist was at fault in all of them, no matter what your own prejudices. Do you know how many pedestrians are killed by cars on the pavement? More than 10 a week. There is a killer on the roads, but it's not cyclists.

Many cyclists are insured, either via their household insurance or through a specialist cycling policy, although they are not required to be so. Many motorists are not insured, even though it is a legal requirement. So who's the irreponsible group?

Now, calm down, take your medication, and go for a nice bike ride. It'll do you good.

Anonymous said...

Well, unless your household earns more than £130,000 I pay more for the roads than you do. Roads are paid for out of general tax, not from your car's Pollution Tax. Cars kill and maim 100s of thousands of people each year and cause untold damage to the environment.

So take your polluting car, your dreadful attitude and your ignorance off to some scrap-yard, where it belongs.

Honestly, I've not read such bigoted, ill-informed, selfish rubbish for many years.

Unknown said...

I think it's car drivers that take more room than is fair. Quite a few drivers don't understand why cyclists need to ride 5 foot out from parked cars (dooring by careless drivers), and pass far too closely.

Oh, and who causes crashes? In one study, it was found that in 4 out of 5 collisions between cyclist and motor vehicle, it was the driver's fault.

Who jumps red lights? An RAC study found that 1 in 5 bus drivers, and 1 in 10 car drivers went through 3 seconds after the lights turned red, compared with 48% of cyclists at the same junction. I rather suspect that if cars didn't block up the junction, and they didn't have number plates, more than half would also jump the lights.

Unlike you, I'll continue to share the road with others, whether it's driving, cycling, or walking.

Jan Machacek said...

When I first came to Britain years ago, I was shocked by the behaviour of some drivers. I was expecting true gentlemanly driving, where considerate drivers put themselves before others...

Unfortunately, in some cases, I experienced selfish and deliberately dangerous driving, underpinned by ignorance and aggression.

What happened to you -- the author -- and all the other angry drivers out there to make you so bitter?