Saturday, June 1, 2013

Alternative Comedy–Don’t Make Me Laugh

The other night I watched some of the latest episode of Channel 4’s satirical comedy show 10 o’clock live. This program features the odious Charlie Booker who appears to be the latest in a line of so called “Alternative Comedians”. If he, and those such as Ben Elton, Alexei Sayle, and Jo Brand are to be believed then for “Alternative Comedy” we should read “Neo-Marxist Leninist polemic.

It appears that all that is necessary to qualify as an alternative comedian is to have a ten minute rant about the evils of  Conservative capitalism. In the 1980’s some comedian’s entire act consisted of “Mrs Thatcher – what a bitch!!” or “The Tories – Evil, posh upper class swine who are hell bent on closing down The North and raping manual workers”.

Foe all those trendy left wing, metropolitan Marxist, so called comedians, here is my “Alternative, Alternative Comedy” act.

Tony Blair – twelve years of stealth taxes, slavish devotion to European health & safety, and the giving away of our sovereignty to Brussels.

The bribery of Europe with our money so that Tony could buy his way to the presidency of Europe (thankfully to no avail). The waging of illegal foreign wars at the behest of America which has left us the prime target of fanatical Muslim Jihadists. The ruination of businesses and entrepreneurship by the imposition of a centralist, bureaucratic behemoth Soviet style state.

The mental and cerebral castration of two generations of young people by the recruiting of crazy left wing teachers who thought it better that children were taught" that “no one looses” and who were allowed to re-write history in a great orgy of Stalinist revisionism. Teachers who in fact didn’t teach, so that children left school without the basic ability to read, write and do sums.

Who’s idea was it that 50% of pupils should go to university? – all that lead to was the dumbing down of our tertiary educational institutions.

The nanny state; a police force that has become a quasi- military militia whose purpose seems to no longer that of deterring crime and catching criminals but of acting as a direct arm of government or of the revenue.

Tony Blair’s government took away rights that had ben enshrined in our constitution since Magna Carta.
  • The right to trial by jury (no longer applicable for certain offences).
  • The right of habeas corpus (they wanted to lock people up with out charge or without trial for 90 days)
  • Double Jeopardy (if you are found innocent the government can now keep bringing charges for the same offence until they get the judgement they want).
Then, when his Tonyness finally went, Gordon Brown and Ed Balls embarked on a spending spree (with borrowed money which they knew we had no hope of repaying in anyone's lifetime) on a Socialist experiment in social re-engineering. They also tried to use the public purse to create make-work “jobs for the boys” in local government “services” in a blatant attempt to stuff the ballot box.

Let’s not get into New Labour’s disastrous immigration policy (or complete lack thereof). opening our doors to a flood of Eastern European economic migrants who contribute nothing to our economy or cultural life but were/are just a drain on the public purse.

The entire doctrine of “Multiculturalism” – forcing the majority to give up its rights and privileges in favour of ethnic minorities.”

I could go on but let’s face it, it’s just not funny anymore and we all know that no one is laughing now.

So, to all the left wing Alternative Comedians out there – Do you still think cheap shots at the right are funny? “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”     

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