Wind farm opponents are living in stone age, Ed Davey claims.
(Headline from today’s Sunday Telegraph (14/09/2013)
Opponents of wind farms are living in the “Stone Age”, Ed Davey has said, as he declared war on Tory Cabinet colleagues over turbines.
Mr Davey is the Liberal Democrat Energy Secretary. He is reported in many of the Sunday papers today of attacks on his Conservative Cabinet cousins over what he sees as their recalcitrant attitudes and behaviour in seeking to block his “reforms”. Until now, Davey has kept the bitter behind-the-scenes battles to himself. Now it’s the conference season and it looks like he has decided he needs something to appeal to the bearded, sandal and sock wearing hard core Liberal lefties, He wants voters to know what he is up against and how hard he is having to fight against Tory opposition to his Green measures, such as wind farms, wave power, and covering large parts of southern England with solar panels. These he believes (well today he says he believes) are vital to safeguarding the country’s energy supplies. He calls these measures “Keeping the lights on”, I call it a recipe for brownouts, but we are all entitled to our opinion.
While he is currently making all this Green noise in the newspapers and in Glasgow, no doubt for the furtherance of his all party Liberal image and surrounded by the (ever dwindling) party faithful, it seems he has other ideas outside of the heady atmosphere of the conference hall.
In his day job Mr Davey, is overseeing plans for a new generation of nuclear power stations and he is adamant they are necessary. “I’m prepared to make the case . . . for new nuclear [power stations] because we can’t take low carbon options off the table,” he said He also says; I have looked at a whole range of issues which people might have thought were difficult for a Liberal Democrat. For example, shale gas. I made the environmental case for [it]. That will be controversial in parts of the environmental movement.
I wrote last week about Labour’s dire case of Doublethink. Methinks this is a condition which could be catching? Is Mr Davey preparing the way to continue his coalition career by cosying up to Ed, Doublethink, Miliband? Now,If only they could get Nick Clegg to hold ONE idea consistently, he clearly failed with tuition fees, maybe they could have a close fit with Miliband Minor and his Newthink party. It would appear however that Cleggy’s chances of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct is somewhat beyond him. Ed Davey for leader you might have thought,but maybe he learnt all he knows about Newthink and Doublethink from master “Yoda” Vince Cable, the Benedict Arnold of the Labour and Liberal left who went over to the dark side aeons ago?
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