Jean-Paul Juncker has delivered his Sate of the Union speech. A cursory glace at it shows that leaving the EU is the only sensible option for any country that wishes to remain an independent sovereign state that has control of its own internal policies, laws and trading relationships with the global economy.
In his speech he called a special summit in Romania on the 30 March 2019, the first day of an EU of 27 member states rather than 28, Juncker said he hoped the continent would “wake up” that day to a new more unified bloc. it seems clear that his call is a warning of the drive toward "ever closer union". Just what does that mean; well he has I think left us in no doubt.
He called for more help for all EU countries to join the euro along with a series of institutional changes, including the creation of an EU finance minister. This means that ultimately individual EU members will have no control over their own interest rates, the prices of their exports, or their own internal spending policies. All fiscal control will be in the hands of the Central European Bank and an unelected EU finance minister who will only be answerable to the unelected EC commission.
He ruled out Turkey’s accession to the EU in the foreseeable future and he called for the presidencies of the European commission and the European council, the body comprised of the leaders of the member states, to be combined in the future. He also called for the adoption of qualified majority voting, rather than unanimity, within the council on foreign policy issues. This is another blatant power grab. Once again Juncker is seeking the centralisation of power into the hands of the faceless Brussels Bureaucrats by suggesting they can overrule a member state's civil rights and foreign policies on the slenderest of votes.
Also, in an apparent attempt to take over military power as well as civilian he is pushing for a continued drive forward in European defence, which is Brussels doublespeak for a European army; again under centralised Brussels control. Just contemplate for a moment; would you want some European admiral ordering our navy to withdraw from Gibraltar so the Spanish can come in and take over?
Given Mr Junckers' megalomania and his obvious desire to be head of a European Super State I can only conclude that we are much better off out of it; and yes, at any price.
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